

From May 19 to 23 2019 in Prague the 8th ICWIM conference organized by the International Society for Weigh-In-Motion took place. Professionals from Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Hungary, Israel, Ireland, Iran, Canada, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, USA, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland and Sweden took part in the conference.

The Russian team which came to the conference for the first time was one of the most numerous and included more than 20 participants including representatives of such companies and organizations as Tenso-M, IBS-VIM, Kazan Telematics, Russian Road Monitoring, Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology, Russian Road Research Institute, Rador etc.

Monitoring of axle loads, full weights and dimensions of motor trucks in motion is essential for solving important federal issues — protection of roads from early damages, ensuring traffic safety and collection of freight traffic statistics. Today manufacturers of WIM systems are not many in the world. The challenges of measuring these parameters include short measuring time resulting from high speed of vehicles, quality of roads and oscillating movements of a vehicle body.

Interest in the conference topics was so high that the participants continued the discussion after the working day in a less formal talking circle long after midnight. As the result of the conference Tenso-M reached a number of important agreements which can help to considerably improve the existing weigh in motion systems.

It was pleasant to see that after a quarter of a century of research work western WIM specialists came to understand that a road is also an integral part of axle load measuring system and its quality affect measurements considerably. We wonder how long it will take for them to come to another important conclusion that the measuring object – a vehicle — also changes with its behavior affecting measurements considerably?

The international metrology community at last took into account the opinion of our metrology engineers and manufacturing specialists adding the HS prefix (high speed) to the WIM abbreviation which we suggested doing long ago.
2019-06-10 10:41